Partner Levels
Crime Victims Council of the Lehigh Valley is grateful for any contribution that you are able to provide. You’re generosity enables us to provide much needed services to victims of crime across the Lehigh Valley.
Monetary Donations
Monetary donations can be made through PayPal by clicking on the donate button to the right. You can also find CVC on Venmo at CrimeVictims-Council. Checks can be made payable to Crime Victims Council of the Lehigh Valley and mailed to or dropped off at:
Crime Victims Council of the Lehigh Valley
2132 S. 12th Street
Suite 101
Allentown, PA 18103

Current Healing Partners:
Oscar G. & Elsa S. Mayer Family Foundation
Campbell, Rappold, & Yurasits LLP

Current Cares Partners:
Lisa M. Colver